For Outgoing Students

ERASMUS+ program at Kodolányi János University


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

Within the ERASMUS+ program at KJU, students at our university can spend a study semester or a certain amount of time on traineeship abroad in one of the EU countries.
A student is entitled to a total of 12 months of mobility per training cycle, study and traineeship mobility together.The ERASMUS+ scholarship is available to all students who meet the conditions set by the program.

Students are eligible for the scholarship if they:

As an ERASMUS+ student, you are entitled to the following:

Obligations of the Erasmus student:

Read further about the study mobility here:

Read further about the traineeship mobility here:

Application periods:
In the case of applications for study and traineeship mobility announced for students in the fall semester: between September 1 and October 15.
In the case of applications for study and traineeship mobility announced for students, in the spring semester: between February 1 and March 15.

If you wish to apply for a mobility, fill out the application form here:

You may log in to reach the information with your NEPTUN ID and password.

For further information please contact the colleagues of the Centre for International Development and Services at

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Budapest International Campus
1117 Budapest,
Prielle Kornélia u. 47-49.
EFOP-3.4.4-16-2017-00001 Calendula Terv