BSc in Business Administration & Management


Credentials Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Management
Qualification Economist in Business Administration and Management
Duration of education 6 + 1 semesters
ECTS value 180 + 30 credits

If you are interested in this course, you can currently submit your application to 25 institutions in Hungary. What makes our training outstanding is that in addition to the basic general subjects such as management, business communication, finance, accounting, marketing, we provide in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of economic informatics, marketing communication, startup culture and the increasingly important green economy. These areas are evolving dynamically, there is a shortage of trained professionals, so you will easily find a job with your degree. You can also learn from well-known and recognized professionals who are active in economic life, we maintain well-functioning relationships with the corporate sector.

Did you know?

  • The interdisciplinary Green Economy Module gives a special feature to our program.

    Green economy is defined by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one that results in “improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities”.

Key partners

“Kodolanyi Janos University played an important role in my life and whenever I recall those 4 years, I always smile due to many reasons. I had the chance to lead the student council, organize a lot of events and get to know a lot of people. I still remember my teachers, as I did have great ones.  I really loved some studies, and now and then I wish I could go back in time and join again. After graduating, I started to work as a receptionist and now I am leading one of the best resort hotels. Besides this work, as an active hobby, I founded a revenue management software company, called Peaqplus and we have many other apps coming soon. I can truly say that I am lucky for having chosen Kodolanyi Janos University.”
Ferenc Hunka, director of Barack Thermal Hotel & Spa****

 Description of the program

The program's qualification objectives are equivalent to the European Qualification Framework System 6th level, and the Hungarian National Qualification Framework system 6th level. Read more

The aim of the course is the education of economic professionals who are capable of understanding enterprise and business administration processes in general, and capable for internationalization for global business environment.

With taking this course you will be capable of

  • understanding principles and multilevel regional governance system of business enterprises, its trends and nature, challenges and risks.
  • understanding organization and management of different type of organizations. The specialized knowledge will make you capable of understanding, planning, and analyzing operative and functional business processes of the organizations and institutions.
  • understanding the organization and management of new creative, innovative, quality-oriented program or project-based interventions for business services
  • intercultural communication and interactions with business partners, customers for understanding and influencing choices and behaviors
  • continuing their studies at master level.

Specialized focus areas

  • Green Economy
  • International Business and Finance
  • Business Service Economics

Overview of the classes

  • Generic competencies: Introduction to Mathematics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Introduction to Management, Quantitative Analyses and Statistics.
  • International business service industry studies: Global Environmental Problems and Management, Service Science and Knowledge Economy: Research Methods, International Business, Law and Regulations.
  • Business enterprise development services: Strategic Management and Planning, Business Process Management, International Economics, Quality, Innovation Policies Tools in MLE, Leadership Performance and Risk Management, Business Support Services, Accounting Fundamentals, International Finance Fundamental, Managerial Accounting and Financial Analyses, Marketing Services, HRM Services.

The KJU BSc in Business Administration and Management Program's position

The program is part of the KJU Budapest International Campus program and together with the Hungarian program is sustainably implemented.
The program is connected to KJU's strategic aims for cooperative education including work-based learning (WBL)
The program is connected to KJU's strategic aims for entrepreneurship education to develop students for private, non-profit or social entrepreneurship.

Interesting facts of the Business and Management Department

Our teachers are professionals who are also very active in the working field:

  • accounting and controlling is taught by an auditor with several years of experience
  • project management classes are taught by experts who are continuously working on managing several, currently running projects
  • business planning, strategic planning and business consulting subjects are taught by a corporate coach

Apply now! Admission criteria

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Budapest International Campus
1117 Budapest,
Prielle Kornélia u. 47-49.
EFOP-3.4.4-16-2017-00001 Calendula Terv