BPROF in Computer Science Operational Engineering


Credentials Bachelor Professional in Computer Science Operational Engineering
Qualification Computer Science Operational Engineer
Duration of education 6 semesters
ECTS value 180 credits

Our course prepares you for careers in the rapidly growing area of smart technologies, which is foreseen to be the largest driver of technological and economic development over the next several decades. The ongoing technical revolution will require engineers who are competent in both computer software and hardware and who have the engineering skills to design and implement complex, intelligent systems. The aim of the course is to equip students with a solid skillset in modern techniques in the field of cyber security and agricultural informatics by providing quality instruction needed for IT professionals who can understand IT processes in general, and capable of internationalization for global business/institutional environment.

Did you know?

  • The program combines academic and practice-based profession-oriented subjects in a proportion of 33-67% of the total credits.
  • KJU's key partners not only provide challenging internship opportunities for IT students but also a supportive environment to start their professional careers.

Key partners

“The reason why I chose KJU was because I liked what they offered within the bachelor course. My ideal university is an institution that has highly experienced lecturers, who are knowledgeable, who focus on their students’ demands and not just pass on the theory. The courses and the contents offered a KJU are not similar to anything I have experienced before, the theories are not based on the timetable or certain textbooks, they are tailor-made to each student. Thus, we are not just studying in a repetitive mode where theory and practical studies are occurring. On the contrary, we are working individually and in teams to carry out different projects, and at each step, we communicate and update our lecturers for improvements and there is always feedback for further developments. Whenever we need assistance in our studies, or if we have any questions, the lecturers are always available and helpful!”
Patrik Bartók, Computer Science Operational Engineering Bprof., winner of the Linguistics and Informatics Section of the Institutional Scientific Student Conference

Description of the program

The program's qualification objectives are equivalent to the European Qualification Framework System 6th level, and the Hungarian National Qualification Framework system 6th level. Read more

The aim of the program is the education of IT-professionals who can understand IT processes in general, and who are capable of:
  • understanding IT-principles, -systems, its trends and nature, challenges and risks
  • understanding organization and management of different types of organizations from point of view of the IT, who gained experience in leadership of business process, project management by using their economic/technical knowledge, applying business/IT knowledge and tools. Theirs specialized knowledge makes them capable of understanding, planning, and analyzing operative and functional IT processes of the organizations and institutions
  • organization and management of new creative, innovative, quality-oriented program or project-based interventions for IT services
  • intercultural communication and interactions with business/professional partners, customers for understanding and influencing choices and behaviors of their customers
  • continuing their studies at master level.

Specialized focus areas

  • Cyber Security
  • Agricultural Informatics

Domains of study

Programming Languages I-II-III, IT Security, Programming Paradigms&Methods, User Interfaces, Data Visualization, Databases I-II, Software Testing, Software Architecture, System Planning, System Operation/Maintenance, System Modelling, Operation Systems, Computer Networks, Electronics

Characteristics of the program

  • Acquisition of vocabulary and way of thinking appropriate to the specialization,
  • Problem-based learning in individual or small team forms,
  • Solving real problems with continuous tutoring support,
  • Internship completion and placement opportunities in stakeholder IT companies


Cooperating business partners

PC Trade Systems LTD: agricultural informatics, IT security, implementation and operation of IT systems; trading of IT tools; software development.

SolvencyLab LTD in partnership with SUPRA LTD. and ISEEQ LTD.:data center management and development, big data analysis, blockchain technology developments, digital financial technology (fintech) developments, visual technology (AR-VR), and digital marketing technology, software and hardware development, developments and business applications in the field of neuroscience.

GRÁNIT Bank: a wholly Hungarian-owned financial institution, started its activity as a greenfield bank in May 2010 and has now become the fastest growing and most cost-effective bank in Hungary, mainly due to the fact that it was the first to adopt a digital banking business model in Hungary.

Nextent informatika Zrt.: Our high-quality business solutions are the perfect combination of 20 years of knowledge and experience, thus creating an added business value for our customers. They guarantee maximum data safety, which enable you to optimize operational costs and increase their efficiency.

Profigram: a successful and reliable engineering team for automation and process control knowing no compromise when it comes to the quality of technical solutions or overall customer satisfaction.

Distinctive features for possible careers

Positions: International (ISCO), European (ESCO) Employment Codes:

ISCO: Computer Science Operational Engineering
ESCO Computer Science Operational Engineering


Software and applications developers and analysts; System analyst (information technology); Software developer; Network and multimedia developer; Applications programmer; Database and network analysts, operators; Database designer and operator; System administrator; Computer network analyst; ect.

About the Department of Computer Science

The Department of Informatics (Computer Science) and each of its courses try to realize more and more layers of the KNUTH's principle in each affected professional field:" Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else we do."Therefore Students will be conducted by teachers/experts individual and/or in small groups to understand the world in such a way too, which lead to the capability of transferring knowledge into source code (c.f. knowledge engineering)Parallel, the Students will be supported to be able to create qualitative (effective and efficient) codes. One of the main focuses is the field of the Cyber security, where Students will be prepared to achieve robust sovereignty. The other key element is the artificial intelligence where knowledge will be derived from data.

Heads of department

Agricultural Informatics
Associate Professor Laszlo Pitlik, Ph.D degree in multidisciplinary agricultural sciences awarded by JLU Giessen, Germany
Fields of research: application of artificial intelligence for forecasting, future-research and strategic planning purposes; development of online data mining tools; construction of consistent future visions; educational methodology research

Cyber Security
Associate Professor Janos Rikk, Ph.D degree in military engineering awarded by National University of Public Service
Fields of Research: cloud computing; open-source server solutions and their security testing

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Budapest International Campus
1117 Budapest,
Prielle Kornélia u. 47-49.
EFOP-3.4.4-16-2017-00001 Calendula Terv