
2021. 04. 15.

Our pride, KJU’s student: Zsófia Baranyi!

Not only in KJU, but everyone in Hungary is proud of Zsófia, the 19-year-old karate athlete. She has earned the European championship, and her aim is to attend the Tokyo Olympics. 

2021. 02. 08.

Students have completed their degrees and have graduated last week!

Congratulations to all students who have successfully graduated!

2021. 01. 06.

Dr. Peter J. Sos - Ural Federal University (URFU) in Yekaterinburg, Russia

I had the possibility to make 2 times courses at Ural Federal University (URFU) in Yekaterinburg, Russia. The city is the 4th biggest city of Russia: an industrial township with a rich and controversial history.

2020. 12. 08.

KJU's Partner Institution - SFSU, Rostow on Don, Russia

KJU’s Vice-Rector of Research, Gyöngyvér Hervainé Szabó visited SFSU in 2018. In this article, she wrote about the city itself, the culture and the university. 

2020. 12. 08.

KSU – KJU Online International Talk

On October 22nd, Kanazawa Seiryo University, Kodolányi János University's old and beloved partner held the first Online International Talk between the universities, that was followed up with a second session on November 19th. 

2020. 06. 30.

“Work Smart, Work Hard!” -- Roy Bignesh Shashi

Congratulations to our successful graduate (now alumni) student: Roy Bignesh Shashi!

Roy started Master’s in Business Development degree course in 2018. In this interview he is sharing his memories, thoughts and future goals with us.  

2020. 06. 30.

Online Preparatory Course starts in September 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation it is currently unpredictable when the borders may open and the on-campus courses for international students can start.

2020. 04. 23.

Hear from our Alumni - Eszter Ruszkovszki


Our Alumni Ruszkovszki Eszter, who was one of the “Top 10 Young Professional” last year, has shared her thoughts with us:

2020. 03. 25.

Partnership with Hoa Sen University, Hó Chi Minh city

Recently, KJU has initiated its first collaboration with a Vietnamese university, Hoa Sen University

2020. 03. 23.

Launch of Online Classes

From today onwards KJU has started to provide teaching through online platforms. 

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