2021. 04. 15.

Our pride, KJU’s student: Zsófia Baranyi!

Not only in KJU, but everyone in Hungary is proud of Zsófia, the 19-year-old karate athlete. She has earned the European championship, and her aim is to attend the Tokyo Olympics. 

Zsófia is currently a first-year student at KJU, studying Community Coordination.

Last February, Zsófia received the gold medal of her age group at the European championship, earning 5th place in the Youth Olympic Games, where she has surprised the country by becoming part of Hungary's representatives in the Tokyo Olympics.

Zsófia shares her thoughts with us:
"Because of the global pandemic, my life has stopped completely; there are no competitions. However, since I always liked to seek positivity in my life, I decided it was an opportunity to continue my studies. I completed my school leaving exam. I successfully got enrolled to KJU's Community Coordination degree within the elite sports' mentor program. With the help of my mentor, I could participate in one-to-one tailored classes. Next to this, I am training intensely. As the Olympic Games were postponed, I have gained more chances to obtain a place in Tokyo. Before the Games in Japan, I will need to qualify myself for the adult European Championship. If I accomplish the competition, I can attend in June, which will qualify me for the Olympics. I believe I can be a surprise for the adult competitors as they do not know me well. I have been training daily for a year and I trust that the opportunity is given."

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