In the field of internationalization KJU is very active with about 150 partnerships in 36 countries all around the world. Several partners are listed on the QS World University Rankings. Our university is committed to developing strategic partnerships with the goal to have strategic university alliances in each region across the globe. KJU faculties and academic groups engage foreign partners to enhance the teaching, learning outcomes, and research profiles of the partners involved. KJU supports student and academic mobility, internships, joint research, international conferences, seminars, project-based study visits and summer schools. Every year, an increasing number of international students choose our university as a study-abroad destination towards a competitive career path on the global market.
Country | City | Institution's name |
Belgium | Antwerp | Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool |
Belgium | Gent | Hogeschool Gent |
Belgium | Kortrijk | Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen |
Belgium | Antwerp | Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen |
Belgium | Namur | Haute Ecole Albert Jacquard |
Bulgaria | Blagoevgrad | South-West University "Neofit Rilski" |
Croatia | Split | University College of Management and Design Aspira |
Cyprus | Nicosia | College of Tourism and Hotel Management (COTHM) |
Czech Republic | Opava | Silesian University in Opava |
Czech Republic | Prague | Charles University |
Czech Republic | Prague | University of Business in Prague |
Czech Republic | Prague | University of Economics and Management |
Finland | Joensuu | Karelia University of Applied Sciences |
Finland | Jyvaskyla | Jvaskyla University of Applied Sciences |
Finland | Kuopio | University of Eastern Finland |
Finland | Rovaniemi | Lapland University of Applied Sciences |
Finland | Tampere | Tampere University of Applied Sciences |
France | Lyon | Universite Catholique de Lyon |
France | Rennes | Lycee de la Salle |
Germany | Coburg | Hochschule Coburg |
Germany | Darmstadt | Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt |
Germany | Paderborn | Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft NRW |
Germany | Wernigerode | Harz University of Applied Science |
Greece | Tripoli | University of the Peloponnese |
Italy | Rome | Universita degli Studi Roma Tre |
Italy | Rome | SSML Gregorio VII |
Lithuania | Klaipeda | SMK University of Applied Social Science |
Lithuania | Vilnius | International School of Law and Business |
Lithuania | Vilnius | Kazimieras Somonavicius University |
Netherlands | Eindhoven | Fontys University of Applied Sciences |
Netherlands | Deventer | Saxion University of Applied Sciences |
Poland | Bydgoszcz | University of Economy |
Poland | Lublin | University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin |
Poland | Opole | Opole University of Technology |
Poland | Poznan | Poznan University of Technology |
Poland | Radom | Radom Academy of Economics |
Poland | Rzeszow | University of Information Technology and Management |
Poland | Siedlce | Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities |
Poland | Warsaw | Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw |
Poland | Warsaw | Wyzsza Szkola Promoji w Warszawie |
Poland | Wroclaw | Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wroclawiu |
Poland | Czestochowa | Polonia University in Czestochowa |
Poland | Krakow | Tischner European University |
Poland | Krakow | Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University |
Poland | Przemysl | East European State Higher School in Przemysl |
Poland | Wroclaw | Wroclaw School of Banking |
Portugal | Aveiro | Universidade de Aveiro |
Portugal | Braganca | Polytechnic Institute of Braganca |
Portugal | Braga | Universidade Catolica Portuguesa |
Portugal | Porto | Instituto Politecnico do Porto |
Portugal | Porto | Universidade Portucalense |
Portugal | Porto | IPAM - Marketing School |
Portugal | Viseu | Polytechnic Institute Viseu |
Portugal | Beja | School of Technology and Management of Beja |
Portugal | Santarem | Instituto Politecnico de Santarem |
Portugal | Lisboa | IPAM - LISBOA - Instituto Portugués de Administracao de Marketing Lisboa |
Romania | Arad | Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad |
Romania | Arad | Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad |
Romania | Bucharest | Bucharest University of Economic Studies |
Romania | Kolozsvar | Babes-Bolyai Tudományegyetem |
Romania | Kolozsvar | Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania |
Romania | Iasi | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University |
Romania | Oradea | Partium Christian University |
Slovakia | Komarno | Selye University |
Slovakia | Nitra | Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra |
Slovenia | Koper | University of Primorska |
Slovenia | Nova Gorica | School of Advanced Social Studies |
Spain | Caceres | University of Extremadura |
Spain | Barcelona | School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Sant Ignasi - Ramon Llull University |
Spain | Barcelona | Fundacio Jesuites Educacio |
Spain | Cordoba | Universidad de Cordoba |
Spain | Valencia | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia |
Sweden | Halmstad | Halmstad University |
Country | City | Institution's name |
Albania | Durres | Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres |
Albania | Tirana | University College of Business |
Albania | Gjirokastra | "Eqrem Cabej" Universty of Gjirokastra |
Albania | Tirana | University of Tirana |
Albania | Tirana | Marin Barleti SHA |
Azerbaijan | Baku | Baku State University |
Belarus | Minsk | Belarusian State University of Physical Culture |
Belarus | Grodno | Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kiseljak | University College "CEPS - Center For Business Studies" |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mostar | University College "Logos Centar" |
Brazil | Bauru | Centro Universitário Sagrado Coracao (IASCJ) |
Cyprus | Nicosia | College of Tourism and Hotel Management (COTHM) |
Egypt | Giza | October 6 University |
Georgia | Tbilisi | Ilia State University |
Georgia | Tbilisi | Caucasus University LTD |
Japan | Kanazawa | Kanazawa Seiryo University |
Kazakhstan | Aktobe | K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University |
Kazakhstan | Almaty | Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages |
Kazakhstan | Almaty | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University |
Kazakhstan | Atyrau | Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University |
Kazakhstan | Karaganda | Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz |
Kazakhstan | Semey | Shakarim State University of Semey |
Kosovo | Prishtina | Universum College |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek | Adam University |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek | Kyrgyz State Technical University Named After I. Razzakov |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek | Salymbekov University |
Mexico | Mexicali | Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Baja California |
Mongolia | Ulanbaatar | Orkhon University |
Montenegro | Budva | Faculty of Business and Tourism Budva |
Morocco | Agadir | Universiapolis International University of Agadir |
People's Republic of China | X'ian | X'ian International Studies University |
People's Republic of China | Chengdu | Sichuan Tourism University |
Russian Federation | Ekaterinburg | Ural State University of Economics |
Russian Federation | Ekaterinburg | Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin |
Russian Federation | Elista | Kalmyk State University |
Russian Federation | Moscow | Russian State University of Tourism and Service |
Russian Federation | Moscow | Russian State Social University |
Russian Federation | Rostov-on-Don | Southern Federal University |
Russian Federation | Saint Petersburg | Saint Petersburg State University of Economics |
Russian Federation | Taganrog | Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics |
South Korea | Samrye-eup | Woosuk University |
Switzerland | Aarau | Pädagogische Hochschule in Aarau |
Thailand | Nakhon Pathom | Nathon Pathom Rajhabat Univerity |
Thailand | Bankgkok | Bangkok University |
Turkey | Adana | Cukurova University |
Turkey | Antalya | Akdeniz University |
Turkey | Antalya | Antalya Bilim University |
Turkey | Antalya | Alaaddin Keykubat University |
Turkey | Batman | Batman University School of Tourism and Hotel Management |
Turkey | Burdur | Mehmet Akif Ersoy University |
Turkey | Cankiri | Cankiri Karatekin University |
Turkey | Edirne | Trakya University |
Turkey | Eskisehir | Anadolu University |
Turkey | Eskisehir | Eskisehir Osmangazi University |
Turkey | Adana | Mustafa Kemal University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Marmara University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Halic University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Istanbul Okan University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Istanbul Gelisim University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Yeni Yuzyil University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Altinbas University |
Turkey | Izmir | Dokuz Eylul University |
Turkey | Izmir | Izmir Demokrasi University |
Turkey | Kayseri | Erciyes University |
Turkey | Duzce | Duzce University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Istanbul Medipol University |
Turkey | Istanbul | Istanbul Sisli Vocational School |
Turkey | Izmir | Ege University |
Turkey | Konya | Necmettin Erbakan University |
Turkey | Sinop | Sinop University |
Turkey | Sivas | Sivas Cumhuriyet University Turkey |
Turkey | Yalova | Yalova University |
Ukraine | Berehove | Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education |
Ukraine | Kyiv | KROK University |
Ukraine | Poltava | Poltava University of Economics and Trade |
Ukraine | Rivne | Academian Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities |
Ukraine | Ternopil | Ternopil National Economic University |
United States | Birmingham | Birmingham-Southern College |
United States | New York | The Collective School of Music NYC |
United States | Texarkana | Texas A&M University - Texarkana |
Uzbekistan | Qarshi | Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute |
Uzbekistan | Samarkand | The "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage |